Rabu, 11 September 2013

Confidential documents RMS Lancastria

On 17 June 1940, the ship is a ship Lancastria to evacuate British troops and civilian refugees, including women and children of France. At 06:00, Captain Rudolf Sharp received orders to load troops and refugees as much as possible, and ignore international law on passenger limits.

At lunch, on the decks crowded with passengers from 6,000 to 9,000 troops and refugees. but do not offer escort ship. At 03:48, a German bomber appeared and dropped four bombs that tore Lancastria. Within 20 minutes, the ship was sinking, with 4,000 victims. How to cure a yeast infection naturally while pregnant, The official reports horrific incident was sealed for 100 years under the Official Secrets Act.

Interesting Fact: Winston Churchill immediately hid the news from the public, thinking that to uncover the truth would undermine civilian morale. He said, "The newspaper has received disaster (news), at least for today.

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