Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

Could Stay Menstruation While Pregnant?

Many women think still menstruating despite being pregnant by a pregnancy test. Could it happen ? The answer is not possible. In fact, one of the signs of pregnancy are not menstruating. Pregnancy and menstruation may not occur at the same time. Active hormones that prevent ovulation during pregnancy. No menstruation without ovulation. If you get your period when you are pregnant, then it means there is a decay of the uterine lining. These layers are required to maintain your fetus. Thus, the pregnancy may not be sustained if menstruating. Therefore, the spotting or bleeding you are experiencing is caused by something else, not menstruation.

Vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy is a common thing. Approximately 25-30 % of pregnant women experience bleeding in early pregnancy. This can be caused by several factors, among others :

1. embryo implantation

In about 2-5 days after fertilization, the fertilized egg ( embryo ) will attempt to implant ( embed itself ) to the uterine wall. During this process, bleeding could occur. This is normal and not a sign of a problem pregnancy. Approximately one-third of pregnant women experience it.

Implantation bleeding is usually mild with pink or brownish color and only lasted a few days until the successful implantation on day 5-10 after conception.

2. ectopic pregnancy

Bleeding from an ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous kind. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg to implant outside the uterus, most often in the fallopian tube. When the embryo grows, the fallopian tube can rupture, causing life-threatening bleeding. Diverse symptoms occur and include pain and bleeding. The majority of ectopic pregnancy cause bleeding pain before the tenth week of pregnancy. The fetus will not develop and die from lack of nutrients.

3. miscarriage

Miscarriage in most cases begins with mild bleeding. If the miscarriage process continues, blood loss is getting worse and accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdominal menstrual pain exceeds pain. That's because the muscles of the uterus to contract to release the embryo and uterine tissue. Bleeding may be seen with lumps or masses of tissue. Most miscarriages can not be prevented and is generally not caused by the things that you do, such as heavy lifting, having sex, or emotional stress.

Most pregnant women who experience light bleeding may continue the pregnancy safely. About half of those who experience mild bleeding became heavier and ended in miscarriage. Unfortunately there is no way to predict whether a mild bleeding will eventually develop more severe and result in miscarriage.

4. pill

Research shows that women who get birth control pills while pregnant may experience intermittent bleeding. Birth control pills increase the risk of developing a blood clot around 3-4 times. Most birth control pills contain estrogen and progestin ( synthetic progesterone ). Estrogen and progesterone are hormones that maintain pregnancy and, when given in pill form, mimics pregnancy to prevent it. Estrogen in birth control pills increase clotting factors and is considered responsible for the increased risk of blood clots during pregnancy. Bleeding for this reason should be reported to your doctor to be evaluated.

5. other reasons

In addition, bleeding can also be caused by other things such as, trauma or tear in the wall of the vagina, infection, Pap smear, vaginal examination, or sex. In early pregnancy, your cervix changes to accommodate your new baby. Your body will provide increased blood flow to your cervix. Inflamed cervix easier by sexual intercourse, pelvic exams, and other trauma.

Tips for You
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If you experience bleeding during pregnancy, talk with your doctor or midwife, even if the bleeding has stopped. If you continue to develop mild bleeding becomes heavy, accompanied by painful cramping, back pain or stabbing pain, you should immediately seek medical help. The condition is an emergency that needs to be addressed immediately.

TORCH-Understand and Keep away from mother

You may have heard or be familiar with the term TORCH. TORCH infection remains a scourge for every pregnancy as it can lead to disability and even death in the fetus. TORCH stands for Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus ( CMV ), and Herpes. This name describes the viral infections and parasites that cause these infections.

Toxoplasmosis is caused by infection with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, found in many meat of infected animals, dirt and pet dander. This disease only occurs when acute Toxoplasma infection occurs during pregnancy. Toxoplasmosis can cause miscarriage, birth defects or death. To do prevention early detection of undiagnosed while you are pregnant, avoid eating food cooked meat is not cooked, reduce contact with furry pets, do not let pets eat rodents or carrion.

Current examination of the disease to be more sophisticated. Kordosintesis examination and amniocentesis can find out as early as possible toxoplasmosis through fetal components of the blood or amniotic fluid. The disease infected mothers should receive appropriate treatment by a physician.

 Rubella infection is caused by Rubella virus, also known as German measles, measles resemble, but looks more rough patches. Rubella infection in the first three months of pregnancy can cause congenital malformations ( congenital syndrome ) is very bad. Congenital abnormalities most often is, cardiac abnormalities, cataracts, retinitis ( inflammation of the retina ), and deafness. Therefore, the infection in the first three months of pregnancy to give the option of termination of pregnancy ( abortion ). This disease can be prevented by vaccination to the mother.
Cytomegalovirus ( CMV )

Caused by a virus of the same name. In America is a major cause of CMV infection during pregnancy ( estimated 0.5-2 % of all newborns ). Symptoms that looked like microcephaly ( smaller head size than normal ), jaundice ( yellowish skin color ), hepatosplenomegaly ( enlargement of liver - spleen ), and death. In 10-15% of infected infants do not cause symptoms, but the symptoms will arise after 1-2 years later, such as mental retardation, hearing loss and vision, as well as other developmental disorders of the nervous system. Therefore, CMV referred to as the main cause of damage to the central nervous system in children.

CMV diagnosis can be determined by examination of maternal blood. Satisfactory treatment has not been fully discovered, doctors usually give antiviral for the treatment group. Therefore, when the CMV early diagnosis before 20 weeks can be considered to terminate the pregnancy.
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Caused by herpes simplex virus. This disease can cause stillbirth or death shortly after birth. Commonly found in women who suffer from herpes, especially those with vesicles ( like blisters ) and is pubic pain. Prevention can be done by delivery through cesarean section, so that the fetus is protected from contact with vesicle fluid that ruptured during labor.

Therefore, we identify the earliest possible detection of TORCH infections and consult with your doctor, so that freed from the TORCH that mother was born a healthy baby is cute and adorable.

Hepatitis B in Pregnancy

Overview of hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is an inflammation of the liver disease caused by hepatitis B virus ( HBV ), in the society of this disease better known as liver disease. A person with acute hepatitis B virus infection has symptoms like loss of appetite, body feels weak, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, fever, urinary water looks like dark tea and eyes look yellow. Definitive diagnosis of patients suffering from hepatitis B HBsAg positive when found in the blood examination. Most of the disease is transmitted through sexual contact, drug users who use needles contaminated, tattoos, and blood transfusions. The incubation period from exposure to cause symptoms ranging from 6 weeks to 6 months. If allowed to continue, it will take chronic illness and circumstances arise in which the cells will experience hardening of the liver called cirrhosis. Not infrequently the cause of hepatitis B liver cancer. At both the state of a patient's life expectancy would be very low.
Hepatitis B in pregnancy

In patients with hepatitis B, pregnancy will not aggravate hepatitis virus infection, but if there is an acute infection in pregnancy, particularly the third trimester (last) pregnancy, it can result in fulminant hepatitis which can lead to higher risk of death for both mother and baby.

The mother who suffered from chronic hepatitis B can still contain a potential baby. But the important thing is that hepatitis B virus titers were controlled. Transmission of the virus from mother to baby can indeed occur. Transmission usually occurs through the placenta, blood and dirt contamination with the mother when childbirth, as well as direct contact with the baby's mother after childbirth. For that consciousness in the womb to the doctor and check their considerable knowledge is important for pregnant women with this disease.

    Screening pregnant women, maternal HBsAg screening is done primarily in areas where there is a high prevalence. Screening results will determine the next action for the mother such as antiviral medication by a doctor if necessary.
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    Immunization, it turns out the transmission of hepatitis B from mother to infant can largely be prevented by immunization. HB vaccination in infants given on days 0, age 1, and 6 months.

Maternity and breastfeeding

Determination of the type of delivery will be determined by your doctor. In women with low viral titers, normal delivery can not be allowed provided that delivery time is over 16 hours. If the delivery takes more than the time it should be done immediately Caesarean section. Similarly, in women with high titers (greater than 3.5 pg / mol ), better labor done with surgery.

Breastfeeding is considered safe because numerous studies have shown that the transmission through the digestive tract requires viral titers significantly higher than transmission through blood and wounds.

Only One of Four Highly Premature Babies Growing Normal

Only one of four children born very preterm grow normally, according to the results of a longitudinal study conducted by the State Medical Association of Lower Saxony, Texas, USA.

As we know, birth occurs in pregnancy under 260 days or 37 weeks are called premature birth. Birth before 28 weeks gestation is called premature or preterm birth is very extreme. Previously, extreme prematurely usually ends with the death of the baby. Rapid medical advances lately allow premature babies to survive extreme. Currently, even babies born at 24 weeks gestational age were still more likely to live.

In that study, 226 children were followed up from birth to school age. They are children who are born before 28 weeks of gestation and had very low birth weight. Most of their birth weight between 500 and 1000 grams.

The analysis showed that 27 percent of the children were classified as having cerebral palsy disability, an IQ below 70 and / or blind. About 16 percent have an IQ between 70 and 84, which limits their ability to learn. Half of the 57 percent of other children who have normal cognitive disorders capable motor skills and / or language. Overall, only 25 percent of all children who grow normally at the age of five years.

The study is intended to find the aftercare needs of very premature babies so they can grow and develop optimally.
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Rabu, 11 September 2013

Confidential documents RMS Lancastria

On 17 June 1940, the ship is a ship Lancastria to evacuate British troops and civilian refugees, including women and children of France. At 06:00, Captain Rudolf Sharp received orders to load troops and refugees as much as possible, and ignore international law on passenger limits.

At lunch, on the decks crowded with passengers from 6,000 to 9,000 troops and refugees. but do not offer escort ship. At 03:48, a German bomber appeared and dropped four bombs that tore Lancastria. Within 20 minutes, the ship was sinking, with 4,000 victims. How to cure a yeast infection naturally while pregnant, The official reports horrific incident was sealed for 100 years under the Official Secrets Act.

Interesting Fact: Winston Churchill immediately hid the news from the public, thinking that to uncover the truth would undermine civilian morale. He said, "The newspaper has received disaster (news), at least for today.

Vikings At Stamford Bridge

In 1066, when the number of Vikings who decided for a short break prior to the invasion by British troops ambushed a place known for Stamford Bridge. Due to a sudden attack, they do not have time to prepare and all their equipment was left in the boat.

Viking group which attacked divided into two, the eastern side and the other on the west side of the bridge. After eliminating groups residing east side, a group of British troops was then decided to kill other groups that exist to the west.

When they tried to cross a bridge that is, a burly Viking complete with ax in his hand have stood, ready to kill anyone who tried to pass through. This Viking warrior was not haphazard, with his ax him he could destroy Jirah clothes, helmets and shields like a piece of tofu, blade of the sword did not make it collapsed, even as he felt no pain at all! Dozens of British soldiers were killed one by one, slowly by slowly they are overwhelmed. They could not cross the bridge during the Viking Monsters are on it ..

Until finally one of the soldiers found the Viking's weaknesses. He then quietly preparing the boat and swim to the bottom of the bridge. Perhaps because I was busy beating people in front of him, the Vikings did not realize that there are enemies just below where he was standing. With one puncture, spear had penetrated the bridge and right groin stab the Viking attack is vital to make the Vikings collapsed, and British troops were swiftly overrun the Vikings who had been dying to death yeast infection home remedies.
This battle was eventually won by England, and more than 6000 Viking killed. The incident later became what is known as the "Final Viking".

Saito Musashibo Benkei

Benkei is a very powerful giant. At that time he joined the temple and became a monk. But he was not a monk as the general who diligently pray and worship in the temple, and certainly not in touch with everything that smells of physical contact. First monastery or temple not only as a place of spiritual but also as a center of cultural, administrative and military. Because it does not fit, some time later Benkei stopped and decided to become a Yamabushi, which is an old tradition that believes a supernatural power can make a powerful swordsman.

At area in Kyoto he challenged anyone to beat the strongest swordsman. More than 999 sword he defeated before somebody named Minamoto No Yoshitsune defeated him. As proof of his defeat last Benkei and Yoshitsune joined the fight against the Taira clan.

All went well, success by the success achieved by the duo, before finally oldest brother Yoshitsune, Yoritomo Minamoto No Yoshitsune malign jealousy as a traitor. Knowing everything will soon be over, Yoshitsune decided that the best way to put an end to all of this is to do a ritual Sepukku which is a ritual suicide. This ritual so smoothly, Benkei and Yoshitsune was a palace guard.

Has been besieged from all directions, Benkei keeping only the main gate to make sure there will not be anyone who can pass. Home remedies for yeast infection, One by one the soldiers tried to forward to the fight, but none that can pass because all killed at his hands. With all his strength Benkei kill anyone who tries to pass. Allow time for Yoshitsune to complete his ritual suicide.

Realizing the advancing soldiers nothing works, the enemy forces decided to shoot arrows towards Benkei rain. Dozens of arrows penetrated his body, but you know what ? ? Benkei was not immediately collapse, it took some time to realize if it turns out Benkei is dead even in the state of standing. By the time they Realize, they were to late..

Yoshitsune was doing his ritual and he died in a respectable state.